Monday, July 18, 2011


Alexia is super special to us because she is one of the founders of Coral Clay! 
And if you don't already you should follow her blog,  DRUNK ON A DREAM she has some amazing
film photography and fun life adventures. She's the best. 

Vacation, all I've ever wanted.

It's a new week, which means a brand new start to everything that seems impossible, right? 
A glass half full is much more appealing than a glass half empty. 

We've been on "vacation" for a while and have been so sad that our Coral Clay fans have been neglected for far too long. However, we do have plans, exciting plans, for future endeavorers. 
So be patient with us and we'll have some lovely new vintage items up very very soon. In the meantime we'll be featuring some inspiring people, places and things. :) 

Keep following us on here and on twitter by clicking here: FOLLOW US and like us on FB by clicking here: LIKE US ! Spread the word <3 

We will be having special promotions, sales and discounts and would love for you all to be informed. 

Coral Clay

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

just a little bit of what we have...

just a few photos from the many cute things that are in our shop! Go take a look :)

coral clay ♥ 

Monday, December 27, 2010


As promised, our Etsy shop is up! Visit us here Coral Clay Shop
We just went out and bought  few more adorable dresses, that we'll put up soon!
Here's a few pictures of our attempted photo shoot today…

We hope you love our shop, feel free to contact us with any questions.

♥ Coral Clay.
Alexia & Carissa